Behind The Drinks

On death and glory - whiskey cocktail of the peak of the summer

על מוות ותהילה - קוקטייל ויסקי של שיא הקיץ
Behind The Drinks

On death and glory - whiskey cocktail of the peak of the summer

Preparation time 15 - 20 minutes

With so many types of Japanese Irish and American Scotch whiskey to choose from, it can be difficult to choose just one for a cocktail. So what is the solution? Combine two styles! And enjoy the balance between the smokiness of the Helfreug and the delicacy of the Japanese work, as in the following cocktail where Japanese whiskey and Scotch malt are mixed for a great base for a cocktail, with a wash of peated single malt that tends to be lightly smoky.

Death and glory cocktail


45 ml of whiskey (recommend Toki sold on the website)

45 ml of toasted coconut syrup

30 ml fresh lemon juice

10 ml orange liqueur

1 whole egg white/ 10 ml chickpea water

2 drops of absinthe

1 bar spoon of Leproig (5-7 ml)


Tools: shaker, strainer

cup: leg


Pour all the ingredients into a shaker filled with ice and shake until the shaker freezes in your hand, then strain into a cold glass, it is recommended to always keep 2 glasses in the freezer at home for a fancy bar experience in your home. Decorate with a flower or orange peel.


Toasted coconut syrup


In a small pot over medium heat, toast 50 grams of natural unsweetened coconut flakes (you can buy them at Eden Teva Market or Levinsky Market) until deep golden and aromatic, stirring constantly, making sure they don't burn, and add 500 ml of coconut water and 500 grams of sugar to the toasted coconut and leave on medium heat until the sugar is fully dissolved (do not bring to a boil).

Allow the syrup to cool to room temperature, at least an hour, and then strain through a coffee filter into a bottle for use, can be refrigerated for up to one month - also excellent as a coffee sweetener.


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Happy holiday from me (Yotm)

and the Spicehouse team